Edmonton Warehouse Killer cites Rapper Envy as Reason for Stabbings.

Recently in Edmonton, a 29 year old man Jayme Pasieka was taken into custody for the violent killings of several dark skinned males, at his workplace at Loblaws warehouse in Edmonton.

Whenever these horrible and absurd actions of violence happen, they always get national news coverage, and after the initial shock wears off. The first thing we all want to know is “Why?”. This question gives reporters endless volumes of content to fill the airwaves with and a captivated audience, that is what this post is all about;

“Why did Jayme Pasieka stab his co-workers at Loblaws Warehouse?” 

Continue reading

How to Fail at Anything

Success is somewhat of a passion of mine.

You have to really know me to understand this particular post, for those of you that don’t here is me saving you 5 Harry Potter books of back story in short point form:

  • I came from a family that had a big financial success, and a big failure.
  • It was also a Loving marriage success, and its resulting failure.
  • My mom taught me what it meant to be resilient and to keep trying no matter how stupid it might seem.
  • My dad taught me that in order to succeed in this world, you need to be smart, he said he couldn’t teach me much, but that everything I needed to know was in books, so learn to read, and read well. He bought me a mega memory course, and a speed reading course, which taught me how to quickly consume and comprehend information, it has been my lives saving grace.
  • Ive since read over 200 books, less than 10 of them fictional in nature, the rest are reference material. Many Best Sellers, and many more relatively unknown.
  • I did it all because I so badly want to be successful, not so much for myself, but so that my families name MEANS something for a century after I die. I grew up around long standing rural Albertan families that basically paved the road for their kids. I want to do that for mine.

So, knowing that, I wanted to discuss the most fundamental skill needed to acquire in success. If you have read any of books on enhanced learning, you know that the fundamentals do not revolve on learning ABC, or how to go from “Easy to Hard” or learn Skill set 1, then Skill set 2, then Skill set 3, then learn how to combine all of them. That is not mastery, that just a good students way of finding out how to become a copy of another master.

To truly achieve Mastery you need to know the fundamentals of any particular skill or achievement you are trying to attain.

  • What do ALL the masters do, or have in common, or perform consistently?
  • What do ALL the masters NEVER do?
  • Where does every person learn always fail? What are the common failure points on the way to mastery? This is kind of like the second point, but in many cases it is very different. Sometimes it is fear based, or something you cannot change, that may mean you just can’t do it. Such as a 5’3″ tall basket player, sure, there are exceptions, but that does not then make it the rule.

However, that is not the key.

Before any of those can even happen, you need to pursue it fearlessly. You need to do it 100% Traction in a forward direction. In racing, drivers are taught that at ANY point, a tire can only have 100% traction. If you try to stop, and turn at the same time, a % of that traction is going towards holding you back, while another % of that traction is going to turning. The best of the best are focused on making every single movement devote 100% of the traction to the intended direction.

This is how you become successful at anything, you have to be able to clear your mind, and erase all other thoughts, and focus on that one action. If it is approaching that girl, it has to be for a reason, you must have ABSOLUTE intent in mind, not “see where it goes” but INTEND for it to go somewhere. They can smell fear. In so many cases you are in competition with a human, and to be a master at it, you cannot have any % of your brain applying traction in another direction than the one you have purposely set in motion.

Athletes call it being in the zone, players call it having game, artists call it a gift, Buddhists call it being “in the moment”. Whatever you call it, won’t make any difference.

To fail at anything, at the point where you can be decided successful, or a failure, whether it is a fraction of a second, or a decade, if you don’t apply 100% traction to the direction you want to go, you will undoubtedly fail. No amount of research, preparation, analysis, or can ever replace the drive, and 100% belief in yourself to ACT, persist with more traction than any one, or thing, that is wasting grip with second thoughts.

Where are you bleeding Traction right now?

What the United States needs is a Woman President.

Ladies, I hope one of you reads this and jumps into US politics, I know it’s boring, and for good reason. It seems unnecessarily complicated, and slow, and if you paid attention for just one month of solid government news you would see how BADLY we need your help.

… I love the fear mongering that comes every time they threaten a government shutdown in the US.

They always talk about how hundreds of thousands of Normal every day workers will lose their jobs, national park rangers not punching the tickets to get in. Passport and registration offices closing…

Obama care is gonna stay, let’s face it. Obama is keeping that for his full term, that’s his legacy. Unless Boehner gets in then he might change it to Boehner care, which would be awesome.

Registrations, national parks, those actually represent pennies on the budget and they actually have pennies of revenue. The staff are also paid pennies. Nobody ever heard about a public scandal with a park ranger, and 7 hookers using government credit cards to go fishing on a private island getting a ride from the national guards Sea King helicopters.

Thats a “senator” thing.

What it should really mean is the big $200,000 pay checks get cut. The people teaching in schools, picking up the garbage, and running museums are DOING THEIR JOBS, it’s the stalled out aristocratic antiquated big Washington government that can’t do its job. Nobody has the balls to say that the US government needs a little more dictator and a little less bi-partisan quibbling.

If Obama wants to keep his Obama Care off the table, he needs to just grab his testicles, remind himself that they are there, ask the bean counters what they think and start calling the shots and tell his cronies on both the left and right what’s up.

The Keynesian idea of micro and macro economics is dumb and doesn’t work. The near 17 trillion dollar credit card that the governments maxed out simply highlights that.

The US government is no different than a family budget. Money in, money out, save what’s leftover, invest some of it for later, use the dividends from those investments to do something fun.

Knowing that, what the US government REALLY needs is a woman.

Yes, they need a woman running the show, not one of these Hillary Clinton women that are essentially just an extension of the masculine posturing in American government.

Nope, we see how that’s playing out for Redford here in Alberta. She has taken a conservative government, and spent like a liberal. Not to mention pat herself on the back with $60,000 luxury vacations.

The American government needs one of those real women, the ones who know what’s important. Who doesn’t waste time squabbling over what’s right, but just inherently knows. The kind of woman that sends the man off to do what he’s good at, go gather resources and come home to enjoy the spoils after enjoying the pride that comes with watching others benefit from his bounty…. And the resulting respect, appreciation, and booty. That shits all free.

A woman would not let her family starve, while her husband spends hard earned money trying to keep the neighbours from fighting. (Syria)

A woman would not give up her family vacation so her husband could spend 9 days off work paying all of his friends to discuss his credit card debt, meanwhile refusing to pay the bill, suffering late fees, because his friends couldn’t decide whether to pay visa or MasterCard first.

She’d just pay the fucking bills. Women have always done better in a family financial crisis, and men have always benefit from their no bull-shit approach. Women have found a way to get through college as a single mom working 4 jobs. Men go off to high paying jobs paid for with scholarships, get into alcohol and drugs and go bankrupt. They inevitably get it all back, but leave it to a man to blow a solid lead.

I don’t know all the details, I don’t waste all my time following the politicking of politics anymore, it’s a frustrating waste of time. You can get a pretty good grasp with just the headlines once you know how the lies read.

What I do know is that it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Money in, money out, pay down debt and save. Earn better interest on investments, live below means and pay your damn bills. I know a hundred women who do a better job of that daily for their families, than any one of these silver spoon fed, rich kid, Ivy League graduates in Washington.

Guaranteed, give a good woman woman the job, in 6 months our soldiers will be at home. Americans would drop 30 lbs, universal healthcare would be a reality, the bills would be paid, education would be reformed and there would probably be a lot more productivity in the House.

……and daycare would be free. 😉

It’s sad but True fella’s

Other good-reads on how Women can get this shit done

Why moms make great entrepreneurs

Biz Chik Blogs

why women make better politicians than Men


It’s an Honour to be representing the team at Go Auto Southtown Dodge in these walkaround videos!

Big thanks to the video production team at Strathcom Media. The way they stitch together my speech and make me sound do much better is GREATLY appreciated.

My question to the Car Industry leaders today…

I have a question I was hoping we could discuss, and it may be a little above my pay grade so to speak, but I think I can justify my asking.

I think I totally “get” what you are trying to do with the dealership business. At the end of the day, cars are not what they have always been. At one point in time the car was first a Luxury, and then a tool, but ultimately a tool that had to be sold.
As time went on though, people are sold on the idea of “Cars” and at the end of the day figure out what kind of car to buy based on the combination of which bumper they like the most and how much money they had available on credit to spend. Cars have nearly become commoditized like coffee beans did.
At one point in time, Coffee was a luxury, but over time, it became a commodity. Just cheap production of beans, if you had a better bean, you could charge a little more money, but not much. Money was made in much LARGER amounts, but in far smaller increments.
Then Starbucks came alone, and turned a 50 cent drink into a 5 dollar drink on service, experience, ambiance. What was once a “Free Refills” 50 cent upwell to a food order, became the centre of the experience with FOOD becoming the upsell.
I see this happening intensively in the car business. Luxury brands selling vehicles based on a level of service, not so much mechanical advantage. The goal is now trying to turn every customer into an equal opportunity with its commission structure as well. So it becomes an industry that succeeds on service, not price.
So the question I have is;
What is the strategy behind dealing with sites like Car Cost Canada and Unhaggle?
I am not saying these sites should go away, I am just saying it feels like we are being awfully attached to the information less world of car sales by still whacking people when we get the chance, in many cases only making up for our losses. The very automotive process assumes that price is not a factor, when we are paying sites owned by 3 or 4 nerds who are making a pretty decent living finding what our customers want and helping them get into buying mode faster than our news paper ads do.
On one hand, we are praying to god that this customer ISNT a CarCostCanada.com or Unhaggle.com customer, on the other hand, we are paying them, and FUNDING their efforts in making $25 for every person that goes through their lead generation system. So we hate them, but we fund them. We fund them to perpetuate a myth, that the car dealer is out to get them, that we are bad. They post videos and sponsor blogs to show up higher on Google, that teach people to “never take the first offer” and “know the cost of the vehicle before you go to the dealership”.
Then, and only then, after many people have searched out the Car they want, a Toyota, and how to buy a car, from a blog, then how to know what the cost is on a car, only THEN do we want to interact with the customer.
Then after we do exactly as they were taught, we send them on their way, with a cost plus $500 or Cost plus $1000 deal. Sometimes, we even take losses, why? Because they were also taught to not just buy from the dealer, because we can compete, so sometimes it becomes a
“who’s the bigger loser?” “Who wants in more?”
Race to the bottom.
Then when we get a good customer, a trusting customer, a friend or referral, we Whack them and make up for the losses we took on that one smart guy, and that mere $1000 profit we made on the CarsCost guy.
Then after all is said and done, the guy who we made nothing on, still thinks that car dealers are snakes because they negotiated to below cost, and were originally going to charge them $2000 more… which would have ACTUALLY BEEN COST!
It is the restriction of information that has LED to this problem in the first place, it is the lack of trust continues to perpetuate the losses, and whacks way of doing this.
It makes NO sense for us to Five pay a trusting “Freddy” customer to make up for the “cheap prick” that got us to go to below cost on a car.
If we are making an average of $900 or $1500 gross, and we want to make that $500 more, all we have to do is NEVER take a loss, and only sell cars at $2000 over cost or more.
Sure, the argument can be made that we will lose a large portion of our customers to those who would want to haggle. But WHY do they want to haggle? Because they feel they have to.
The ones who haggle never feel like they got a good deal unless they continuously ask others, now on FACEBOOK AND TWITTER, how much they paid, and to anyone that ever trusted a dealership, quickly tell them that they paid too much because they got it for “X” price. In many cases it may not even be apples to apples comparisons, but they still trust a car-illiterate friend, than a car dealer. Then we fund sites that “Protect” them from us, that help them “beat” the dealer!?
We fund this message?
That was like when the tanning industry funded the spray tanning industry, then ultimately funded the business that said;
“Tanning is dangerous, just paint yourself with chemicals instead!”
and helped create a large competitor for the same customer, and ultimately led to salons having to embrace both and in some cases, switch entirely over to spray tanning to stay open, and find a way to keep a uniform message on both options.
In an industry where we will fund someone, who makes us look bad, just so that we can be perceived to be “on their side” instead of our competitor being in that position, why don’t we just do it ourselves?
The process of buying a car comes so far before we even get to a dealership site.
The customer is loyal to the place where they got the most comprehensive information. That is why we have a trade calculator on our site, the problem is appraising a trade needs far more of an expert, than someone to show the car. Selling the car is easy when they trust you, so make us more trustworthy, don’t be afraid to admit we need to make money.
I don’t know, just makes sense, if the average gross on a car deal is down to $500-$1500 a car, it only make sense to starbucks the industry, commoditize the product, and sell the service.
We become the unhaggle, thats how we earned trust and brand loyalty online, rather than funding people that are perpetuating a negative stereotype of car dealers.
Just my two cents.

Find your Obsessions

For Good Effect… answer this poll before Proceeding.  

Everyone has those pivotal moments of introspection in their lives where they realize certain things about themselves, whether its the day an overweight person sees themselves not living past 60, or the drug addict having that “aha” moment during an episode of intervention.

There are those moments in life that you simply cant ignore.

Recently I was reading a book called “Socialnomics” by Erik Qualman, as suggested by the president of the company I work for; and it discussed how social media has made us more productive.

I initially that, “WHAT…. PRODUCTIVE? It causes us to lose hours of our lives, simply strolling through creeping youtube vids, or creeping peoples profiles, and living vicariously through “The Rocks” Twitter account.

Then there is the wasted moments, where instead of enjoying the emotional throes of a situation, you stop to take a picture. Posting a shot of that Cupcake, or instead of toasting to a group of friends, you post for a picture to be uploaded to strangers instagram, hashtagged #yolo if you have a birth date that allowed you to grow up thinking hogwarts was a real place.

How could it possibly, in any way, be able to make us more productive.

It justified it by being able to save people trips to the grocery store because as they wait in line they could check facebook and send their kids back to grab a certain recipe. It mentioned how now people can learn how to do things themselves on youtube, making them more efficient.

But I still don’t think it quite downplayed the social time wasters that social media lends it to…

Like Candy Crush…

Not since Farmville have we seen a facebook game so effectively pacify a broad sampling of the general population!

However he brought up an interesting point, it allowed one to explore their past.

He brought up how most people have this lingering concern with HOW MUCH they have uploaded about themselves. How they go back and delete, or hide, or re-deploy their digital social lives. Everyone wonders where out there, that old Nexopia profile is hiding, waiting to come back and bite you in the ass.

At least thats where they were a few years ago, back when Facebook was like crack, and we would spend hours arguing with one another. There was this sudden explosion of conversation on the internet. It was the first time we ever really interacted with HUNDREDS of people we knew. It was the first time we ever had to worry about what someone was “saying about us on the internet”.

Plain and simple, we recognize the rate of which our word can explode. We all learned together, how to “RE-BOOT” our thoughts about how humans interact. Kids today now are literally born with a facebook presence.

That is an epiphany that we had to endure, that they will take for granted. Think about that, how happy are we that we got lucky enough to do some pretty dumb shit, before pictures could be instantly uploaded to the internet before we got a chance to sober up….

Social media has made us then transform our communication to represent positivity, we quickly learned that it would be easy to be hurt if we worried about what others thought. It became a world where we had to just keep positive because if we stoked a fire, we might get burnt in the process. There was a transformational twist in society, and we went from needing to make sure others knew what we thought, to now, not wanting to know what others thought and essentially only bragging on the internet.

“Look what Im eating”

“Look at what amazing thing Im eating”

“Heres 75 pictures of the baby, that has completely made my life, while it crushed my dreams, left me struggling, broke, and dealing with a gambling addict deadbeat dad for 18 years”

(True Story)

This isn’t because we stopped caring what others thought, we’re getting to that point though. First we needed to go through a stage of realizing how much it hurt to care about what others thought, and to simply shell up, and keep ourselves hidden. To pretend that “that isn’t like us”.

We were in our social media Puberty.

We were all masturbating to the sear christmas catalogue, but were too embarrassed to tell each other about it. We all had things we were wondering, we all had complaints, frustrations, but we didn’t want to admit it.

If we did, we simply say the 21st century equivalent to 15 hail mary’s by re-tweeting a bunch of pictures of cute cat videos. Effectively washing our social media sins down the drain with forced communicative labour.

Then the equivalent of the celebrity paparazzi comes along and you get posted on “The Dirty”, or maybe you didn’t, but someone you know did. Maybe its someone you like, or don’t, or after seeing the post switched one another. But the point is, almost all of us have in some way interacted with that site. Either directly or indirectly.

We learned that pictures could be posted of us, attached to words of truth or false, and they would be discusses as fact regardless, without us having any control, whatsoever. Without us having any recourse. Small fortunes have been made selling e-books and “kits” by discovering the sheer number of Google Searches for;
How to get your post deleted off the Dirty
Eventually learning that you are legally handicapped with 16th century censorship laws regarding “Free Speech” being integral to a free thinking society.

Not too sure about how one angry woman posting another angry woman’s face, and a second FAKE picture of her with a banana in her ass, STEM FIRST, on the internet for her boss to see, is necessary to have a free nation…. but alright.

I guess the politicians and celebrities who have the ability to make real change in this world figured it was about time the rest of us could be exposed for OUR little scandals since their lives are constantly scrutinized. I bet they giggle a little bit when they see us freak out about people judging us online.

But guess what, its here to stay, and even what we can control, and delete isnt going away. So we got to this stage of simply not giving a fuck. Now we have all seen enough peoples dirty laundry get posted on the internet to know we are all pretty fucked up from time to time. We all make mistakes, we all put our pants on one leg at a time, and occasionally fall asleep with them around our ankles on a toilet.

So now Social Media allows us to really look back at our lives, now that we keep mostly to positive braggadocios behavior, we can look back and assess if the “Bests” or our lives are still in line with our values today.

Sometimes people who at one point were so proud of their party lives, are later prone to brag about how they no longer love partying and now brag about the amazing dessert they are baking for their family, then realizing those are making you fat, and that now they brag about how “abs are made in the kitchen”…. in their first two weeks of dieting.

When so quickly piled on top of one another its easy to see that we are forced to reflect on our last week, and last life, as we clean up our profiles and erase passed moments. We are no longer trying to pretend they didnt happen. We know they did, and we are just saying goodbye to those old ways and being positive about the present. The faster, and more often we do this, and the more effective we get at assessing our choices, the better we can improve ourselves.

So make some time to go though your digital life and read your own story, find your obsessions, and see what maybe needs to change in your life. Im gonna go read a few of the posts that I have delete off this blog. Maybe I will make them public again soon?

You wanna know how to sell a lot of Cars?

I was talking with a guy at work, let’s call him Dodger. He’s an older guy in the biz, been in a few years. He has that Golden Retriever type temperament.

Some guys are just old war Hero’s that have this cock swagger of James Bond thing goin on – which is cool – but sometimes you get some real pieces of information from this guy, delivered in a way you almost feel obligated to respect. Yet never doubt it because your guy says he’s spot on.

I was talking about how I don’t know what to say when people remark on my sales throughout the day. I don’t see anything special. I’m just a 7 or 8 car guy, just twice as stressed out about making money, who works double the hours.

New people sometimes ask how I did a little above average or got the hang of it a litter quicker than normal. All I really can say is that I really wanted to. I just wanted to get past that awkward moment where you’re new and get to be good so I listened to everything the best had to say. I realized that there was probably a ton of ways to get it accidentally right, but from owning a business I learned that ‘accidentally right’ is just laziness. I would see it as laziness from my staff.

If anyone had anything to say that might help me sell more cars, it was the guys who have to go home every day after trying to teach people how to do what they know to be as second nature.

So I tried to listen to them and know WHY they want me to act a certain way, and what mistakes they learned from not doing it that way. Kind of like learning how to not get hurt on a rig. There was both body and mind tricks to make sure you didn’t catch yourself in a tight dangerous spot on a worksite, so it’s kind of like how to not get yourself into a bind in a sale, surely this could be beneficial to me.

Then I heard someone say “tell em what you’re gonna do, then do what you say you’re going to do, then tell em what ya did” and that made sense.

We all know it’s the right thing to say, to pronounce that we care, and that we will check in on them, and that we trust this to be the best vehicle for them.

But it’s another thing to actually do it.

I realized how big this was, to ACTUALLY give a fuck. If you could just honestly, try to really appreciate and give a fuck that these people parted with 40 or 50 THOUSAND dollars and 5-7 years of their LIVES, to a decision they make THAT DAY. When they go through that, they need to know you give a fuck like a doctor has to give a fuck when you’re on a table bleeding to death.

I honestly can’t WAIT to call my customers in the snow and hear how awesome their cars are in the snow compared to the last one.

To hear how yes. Their car IS still running great and how helpful this has been for the family. How YES they are happy still and don’t need another one. Because the minute they aren’t happy with it, they will be waiting for my call to say;
NO! This vehicle is no longer good enough”, I can get them a new one right away.

I think if there is any kind of advantage, it’s not the words, or that I’m smarter, or that I have some kind of “gift”. I’m just an average guy that’s stressing more, because I really worry about how happy my customers are……. And I think my guests can sense that? Maybe it’s just a little extra openness and letting them know I really actually want them to be happy, because you can appreciate the money they are spending, and understand it’s not about the profit, or the payment, it’s not about how much they want to see for their trade in.

It’s about you GETTING, that this is a huge decision for them, and it’s just your day job. But that if you actually give a fuck, they might pick up on that.

Money falling from the Sky

First of all, HAPPY CANADA DAY! That is what I was thinking about at the time of this writing.

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this thought for about an hour or so, and every time I try to think of a good start, I Cannot seem to do it.

Starting is the hardest part about writing, to try and find a great opening, in a world of so much conversational obscurity, where this odd form of pseudo english has taken over and now we express enjoyment in an instant and represent it as three quick swings of the finger. Instead of actually finding GREAT moments to TRULY laugh out loud, like spending time with family, or doing something ACTUALLY funny. Much of our lives exists communicating via a text, or Facebook, and for a person who genuinely wants to share interesting thoughts.

Trying to get attention can be difficult.

So trying to come up with an opening sentence that will make you go past the common “tweet” of 140 characters can be a challenge.

Beating a Cat picture in a contest for attention with a Facebook status of 420 characters! That’s hard, trying to get you to spend a good 20 minutes reading something? Nearly Impossible.

So I listen to music, and today, for some reason, I decide to listen to “Brand New Music” and then “Todays Club Bangers“… not my usual music. And it start with this REALLY badass song by Rihanna.

After I heard the song “Money falling from the Sky” it all clicked it like a clear line, and I knew how to communicate this idea. It was suddenly being to be able understand you can see the forest through the trees.

For years I have been trying to figure out what my wealthiest smartest friend meant when he said;

“You can’t see the Forest through the Trees”.

Suddenly being proven untrue and I had a clear line of site through the forrest. I guess thats why the original quote was; “You cannot see the forrest for the trees”.

When you end it with “Through” the trees it implies that you can. You see an image in your head of seeing through trees. It has the wrong effect. When you end it “….for the trees” You think of walking face first into the the trees in your way.

One needs to occasionally stand back in life.

We can do that here in Canada.

Money is literally falling from the sky, what a great country we live in, and now, an Amazing world! You have to think about what the world was like when America came to be. There was still widespread colonial living, servants and slaves, people who were so beaten down that all they did was exist to work and sleep. Never free to enjoy creative expression or emotion.

Here we are spending much of our lives experiencing laughter one ‘LOL’ at a time. Often barely showing any sign of REAL human emotion.

Yet, its is a lot better than what it was in many ways. Some people decided to spend their lives trying to find a new home. To find a land of opportunity, a fresh start. A new beginning for a higher intelligence, and respect for humanity. They came to North America and by comparison, attempted to build a land that would be considered Paradise, by comparison. A place where people could work, and be free, where people could be themselves, and have the freedom to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. For them to find out what they are truly good at and potentially enjoy limitless happiness…. again… in comparison to the way things were.

You could come here, and work really hard, and get lots of opportunities to create your own greatness, and you could also choose to be rather ordinary and participate in the greater good for a fair wage. Rather than just do what you were told because you had no choice and to not do so would result in starvation or persecution.

Princes had to be kings, not teachers, and Teachers couldn’t be porn stars too.

So as you can see, it was a dark time.

Now we have these two countries that start this new Idea of freedom, and enjoyment gained for effort expended. Where intelligence is valued more than simple entitlement. Where the spirit of the person can come out.

A place where a person from India can mix butter chicken with a Poutine, and not be stoned for altering a sacred recipe with a foreign cultures cheesy gravy filled concoction of greasy goodness.

But that is Canada and yes, EVEN Americas crazy greatness, how could you get a more Canadian meal that Maple dipped Salmon over Rice, or any of the shit that Hudsons Canadian Taphouse makes for that matter!

When North America was first being developed, Racism was slavery and war built around culture and colour.

Now? Racism is me saying that North America is great because brown people have found out how to make a fortune in convenience. Whether it be driving taxis, or owning 7-11’s they are amazing at capitalizing on the human nature of desiring convenience.

Racism today would be me implying that Black people have found a home in North America by exploiting their own ability to be a public physical spectacle. It’s like Chris Rock Said;

Foot ball basket ball soc cer golf track… soon as they make a heated hockey rink we’ll take that shit too!

but it’s TRUE!!! They get paid millions of dollars to do it too!

And of course, the Jews just made banks to finance the people who exploit their ability to create amazing things you can’t afford, and then lend you the money to buy it!

I am sure that most ethnicities from slavery and destitution would gladly trade a little racial satire for being beaten to death for being born with a tan.

We live in a truly free country that is only getting more free. People keep talking about the 1% and how many billionaires their are. They secretly know that its people PASSING them, but they act as if its them being greedy.

When slavery was abolished, your random white guy had centuries of established success. Yet about a hundred years later, there are millions of those people now surpassing you. Women, who weren’t really made free to work, vote, and be their own people until about.. 1970, are now fast becoming millionaires, ahead of the random white male.

How can we possibly imply that in our world, we are going in the wrong direction. The way we do things has infected the world and all over the planet people are getting more and more free than they ever have been. More and more rich than they ever have been. More and more able to work, live longer, eat healthier, have less physical work and more intellectual stimulation.

This world is faster than ever before, becoming a better place for everyone. By comparison, Money is literally Falling from the Sky…

…and it all started with the decision for a few hundred people to say FUCK THIS, and hop in a boat sailing off into the oceanic abyss, to come to this new land full of trees and empty land, to build something from scratch.

And you think your job is hard?

Be fucking thankful you come from the best Country in North America… CANADA.. and if you’re from the United States?

Well, we can be friends for a little While.


Happy Fucking Birthday North America…. Let’s drunk dial England 🙂

I can do that in my country.

I stumbled into my place it was dark, because that damn porch light has been out for a month.

I just worked one of the most mentally exhausting 3 months of my life and realized how alive I feel, yet how dead at the same time. Its great to be doing something I am passionate about again. Just makes every day exciting to get out of bed. I go and I don’t even want to come home. It’s so weird.

But I still, know that I am living on a dangerous side of work/life balance and it’s affecting my home life. I am so seldom here that I buy food and it goes bad because I live AT WORK. I just sleep here. Theres clothes every where and everything is generally disorganized. Then I walk up and realize that I LEFT MY FRONT DOOR OPEN ALL FUCKING DAY!

I must have been in a rush… oh right… because I was trying to do 23 hours of courses in 3 days. To make sure I got a bonus, for a goal of 50 cars in a quarter, that I hadn’t yet sold, with only those same days left to sell. So I did the ONLY logical thing, I did an all nighter the day before. I was bagged. I literally forgot to close my front door leaving the house. I went to check if this computer was still here, as its probably the most easy to steal things worth good money inside my place.

And it made me think of something!

I can do that in my country.

It’s Canada Day and what an awesome place to live, and to all my American friends, we ALLLLLLLLL know that you think your country is an Amazing place to live.

What *I* think, is that NORTH AMERICA is a great place to live. So like an Edmontonian helping bail out a Calgarians hockey stadium.

Let’s be friends for a bit….